• The Long Battle on AI Usage

    Hello readers! Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend. It’s almost March now and I think it’ll be great to start off with a discussion on AI. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various sectors, offering a blend of opportunities and challenges. From healthcare to finance, AI is revolutionising how we live and work. While…

    Read More Here!: The Long Battle on AI Usage
  • My Journey To Thailand

    Hello everyone, Riley here! Sorry for going on an unexpected hiatus. For the past week, I have gone on a trip with my partner to our neighbouring country – Thailand! I’ve always wanted to visit a country of SEA and decided to make Thailand my first stop. We stayed there for 5 days and let…

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  • The Gut Microbiome: What You Need To Know About the Guardian Inside You

    Hello readers! Hope you’re having a wonderful first week of the new year. We’re going to start this year off with a collaboration post with Amway Malaysia! In case you didn’t know, Amway Malaysia has been promoting gut health among Malaysians as they understand how much our gut means to our overall health! Without further…

    Read More Here!: The Gut Microbiome: What You Need To Know About the Guardian Inside You
  • Embracing The Dragon Year!

    Hello Aztek readers, this is Riley – author and founder of Aztek Technology. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I am thrilled to continue on this journey with you. A Reflection on 2023 I am extremely grateful for last year as I have achieved pretty much more than half of my…

    Read More Here!: Embracing The Dragon Year!
  • Gut Reset: Rebooting Your Health

    Hello Aztek Blog readers! We’re getting closer to the holiday season now, which is why it is more important for us to take care of our health! We’ve got to stay healthy in order to celebrate with our loved ones in the upcoming festivities, right? Hence, today I collaborated with Amway Malaysia again and guide…

    Read More Here!: Gut Reset: Rebooting Your Health
  • Travels with Riley Throughout 2023

    Happy December folks! Wow, has it been a year already? It feels like just yesterday I was packing my bags for my first trip of the year! As we get closer to 2024, I’d like to take a quick trip down memory lane and share with you my journeys throughout the year! Osaka & Tokyo:…

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  • Unveiling the Secrets of Gut Health for Holistic Wellness

    Hey readers! As we wrap up November, let us take a moment and talk about our health and wellness, specifically our gut health. The human gut, an intriguing system often dubbed the body’s “second command centre,” commands more than just digestion. It’s a powerhouse that directs numerous health aspects, from immunity to emotional health and…

    Read More Here!: Unveiling the Secrets of Gut Health for Holistic Wellness
  • Creating Your Very Own Supercharged Home Office

    Hello, readers of the Aztek Tech blog! Today, I’ll share some tips on setting up a home office setup. After COVID, there has been an increase in remote work and its demand as it has been very beneficial for those who wish to avoid the early morning traffic jams and save costs in general. However,…

    Read More Here!: Creating Your Very Own Supercharged Home Office
  • The Buzz on Electric Vehicles

    Hello readers! Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. They are better for the environment, they are more efficient, and they are often more fun to drive than gasoline-powered cars. What are EVs? EVs are powered by electricity instead of gasoline. This means that they produce zero tailpipe emissions, which helps…

    Read More Here!: The Buzz on Electric Vehicles
  • My Super Day at Universal Studios Japan

    Hello there, Riley here! I’m back from my trip to Japan and it was an amazing experience! Not only did I enjoy the vibrant cities of Osaka and Tokyo, I was lucky enough to experience Universal Studios Japan! Universal Studios Japan is an absolute gamer’s paradise—a dream brought to life. From heart-pounding rides to immersive…

    Read More Here!: My Super Day at Universal Studios Japan